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Thursday, April 7, 2011

DIY: The Great Chicken Experiment

If by some chance you might have missed it: The chicken coop has taken on a life of its own. We now have the enclosed chicken run almost at the completion phase. Which means that I still have to put the chicken wire on the top. You might ask yourself why do I need chicken wire on the top? Well friends, we live in a Hawk-Watch Area. I need to protect those chickens from the larger birds that will fly on in and take them away. Hey you have to love living in rural areas. We have porcupines, raccoons, eagles, hawks, and falcons. Not to mention the regular horses, cows, and other such farm animals. It has to be 4-H heaven.
Back to the chicken run... I have followed all the Lamb Family Rules of DIY. These rules come from time honored tradition and experience:

Rule 1: Thou shalt whenever possible work in the dark.

Rule 2: Thou shalt work when wet aka in the rain, snow, ice, and hail.

Rule 3: Thou shalt work in the mud.

Rule 4: If possible all of the above.

Rule 5: In the end everything is a hammer.

So far with the chicken experience all rules have been for the most part followed. My wife did break rule number one by working in the sun. I of course holding to the great rules as written have been working in the snow, mud, and dark.
Pictures to follow soon.

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